Category Archives: Marriage

Relationship Red Flags : What makes a relationship “toxic?”

Relationship Red Flags: How do you know if your relationship is toxic? Watch for these red flags.  As many of you know, relationship red flags may be hard to identify. Because relationships by nature are hard and require a lot of work, you may ask yourself sometimes “is this really healthy?” We have all been there. It can be challenging to know how to identify what’s a “normal” amount of dysfunction .

Things to Try if You Don’t Feel Heard : 5 Ways to Express Yourself Differently

5 Things to try if you don’t feel heard : Feeling unheard or misunderstood in your relationship can be incredibly isolating. It can also be exhausting when you’ve tried everything you can to explain how you’re feeling and your partner still doesn’t hear you.  I often hear my clients report that their biggest complaint in their relationship(s) is that they aren’t being heard. They feel they communicate effectively and express themselves clearly. So what .
Modern Love Counseling

Why Women Leave Their Ideal Marriages

Why Women Leave their “Ideal”Marriages : Three themes I have seen as a Relationship Therapist *It is important to note that although I am using specific gender pronouns, I am not intentionally meaning to exclude or generalize behaviors unfairly based on someone’s preferred gender identification. This article is an example of themes I have heard in my experience as a couples therapist from heterosexual, cisgender couples. However, this content has and can be a theme in any .

Top 5 Reasons to Find Unique Ways to Connect

Unique Ways to Connect : Top 5 reasons why it’s important to find different ways to connect with your partner Unique ways to connect: The importance of finding different ways to sustain your connection. If you are reading this, you are probably in a relationship and are struggling with finding unique ways to connect with each other. You probably struggle at times with the difficulty of sustaining a genuine spark year .
too needy

Are You “Too Needy?”

Are you “Too Needy?” What does this title even mean and is it accurate? “You’re too needy.”  “You expect too much.” “Your expectations are too high.” “Why are you acting like that?” “You’re overreacting!” If you have ever dated, most likely you have been told at one point directly (or have been given an indirect message) that you are being “too needy.” Although our society predominately attaches this label more toward women .

Top 5 Reasons Couples REALLY Come to Counseling

Top 5 Reasons Couples REALLY Come to Counseling : Modern Love Counseling Why do couples really come to counseling? You may actually be surprised! From my experience as a relationship therapist, here are the top 5 reasons couples really come to counseling and seek out my specific services. Get ready to check your assumptions! I have heard it all. Generally speaking, these are the top 5 reasons why the majority of my .

Additional Resources for Couples : The Modern Love Box

Introducing The Modern Love Box : A Resource for You and Your Partner Sustaining the spark in a long term relationship can be difficult at times. The romance may fizzle, the daily grind may take over, date nights may feel stale. It’s OK. This is totally normal. Someone once said, “love is a journey, not a destination,” and with that comes the boredom, the balance, the excitement and the struggle. It’s .

How to Have a Successful Relationship

Takeaway: I’m a couples therapist in Denver, and my clients often ask me questions like, “What makes a relationship successful?” or “How do you have a successful relationship?” These specific questions can be incredibly challenging to answer because relationships can be very complicated. These answers can also be confusing if you find yourself from a lineage of divorce, a not-so-great depiction of a loving partnership from your parents, and/or you witness .